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Quick Start Guide


  1. ​Place all City Blocks Gray Side up/RED side down in any slots on the road, but make sure Power Up™ blocks are NOT next to the numbered Sewer Holes.

  2. Use the block labeled Start to determine where to start.

  3. Each player chooses 1 Superhero game piece.

  4. Place the Villain at the center of the board, his sewer.

  5. Shuffle and place the City Watch™ Cards & Power Up™ Cards face down on the board.

** You may turn over 4 RED blocks at the start of the game to expediate the game.​

英国鴨子 How to Play (Bilingual Professional Version - English) (27).gif
英国鴨子 How to Play (Bilingual Professional Version - English) (28).gif

We designed the game this way to mirror real-life experiences. Every day presents new challenges and surprises, just like when Goobi suddenly appears and turns a block red. But that’s okay because that’s life. What truly matters is how we think internally, how we feel, and how we choose to act.

Our Empower Empathy game is designed to offer a unique experience each time you play. Even if all the blocks remain the same or you change the number of RED blocks, simply rotating the Start Block in the opposite direction— from clockwise to counterclockwise — creates a completely new playing experience.


Your Mission

Move ALL Superheroes around the board and

pass Start without having any RED blocks leftover.

If more RED blocks exist after the round, Goobi wins.

If all blocks are fixed back to GRAY then Superheroes win.

Come and Play with Us

The game mechanics delve deep into understanding and responding to various situations, whether facing challenges independently or in a team setting.

( Hover over the City Blocks to reveal what to do! )

When SUPERHERO lands on

All is well.​

Enjoy the cityscape

Next player's turn.


City Block


City Block

  1. Place Superhero game pieces at the start

  2. Determine who moves, spin the Board.

  1. Pick a Power Up™ Card.

  2. Discuss the questions on the Power Up™ Card with the group.

  3. Player keeps the Power-Up™ Card

  4. Next player's turn

Power Up™




City Block

  1. If the encounter is on a RED block

  2. Superhero pick a City Watch™  Scenario Card. 

  3. Assess the scenario & Ask the Questions: THINK - FEEL - ACT (inside box cover)

  4. Be sure to select at least 3 Emotion Cards as applicable to the scenario.

  5. After solving the scenario, turn the City Block back to GRAY. 

  6. Next player’s turn.

When VILLAIN lands on

  1. Goobi has caused havoc!

  2. Flip the city Block over to RED

  3. Next player's turn


City Block

Untitled design (6).png
  1. If Goobi the Villain is in its sewer, Dice Roll determines from which Sewer Hole he will emerge on the street.

  2. When Goobi emerges from the Sewer, the Sewer Hole he stands on DOES NOT turn Red.

Sewer Hole

  1. Too bad for Goobi

  2. Villain immediately goes back into its sewer

  3. Next player's turn

Power Up™



City Block

  1. Block stays RED

  2. Goobi enjoy the madness of the Empathroplis he caused.

  3. Next player's turn

英国鴨子 How to Play (Bilingual Professional Version - English) (26).gif

Power Up™


If encounter is on Power Block, Villain immediately gets sent back to the Sewer Hole.

  1. It's time to do a face-off round!

  2. Without looking at the card, the player selects an  Emotion Card from the deck and shows it to the rest of the players.

  3. Rest of the players take turns to act out and/or make the face for the selected Emotion without saying a word.

  4. The current player must guess the Emotion in only 3 guesses!


City Block

If the player guesses correctly, City Block goes unharmed and stays Gray.

If the player guesses wrong, Goobi wins this round and City Block turns RED.

When Superhero and Villain land on the same block


City Block

  1. If the encounter is on a RED block

  2. Superhero pick a City Watch™  Scenario Card. 

  3. Assess the scenario & Ask the Questions: THINK - FEEL - ACT (inside box cover)

  4. Be sure to select at least 3 Emotion Cards as applicable to the scenario.

  5. After solving the scenario, turn the City Block back to GRAY. 

  6. Next player’s turn.

How to WIN against Goobi?

Team Work Cooperation Strategize with the rest of the Super Squad to see whose steps can t
Captain Agape transparant bkgd_edited.png
Oceania transparent bkgd.png
Sergeant Maven transparent bkgd.png
Tigerman transparent bkgd.png
Titanius transparant bkgd.png
Ilumini transparent bkgd.png
Goobi Transparant bkgd.png
Face Jealous_edited.jpg
Face Disappointed 1_edited.jpg

Click here
to Learn the Science
behind Empower Empathy™!

Professional Version

Empower Empathy™ is the first in line of Emotional Intelligence products created by TinySprouts® developed over a period of three years and powered by decades of teaching expertise.

Age: 5+
Players: 2-6
Time: 30-60 minutes

Empower Empathy Game.png

How To Play Empower Empathy

How To Play Empower Empathy

How To Play Empower Empathy
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How to Play Professional Version (English)

How to Play Professional Version (English)

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How to Play Family Version (English)

How to Play Family Version (English)

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How to Play Professional Version (Chinese)

How to Play Professional Version (Chinese)

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How to Play Family Version (Chinese)

How to Play Family Version (Chinese)

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DALL·E 2024-08-10 08.23.25 - A rural scene featuring a large concrete sewer pipe opening o

Dare to Discover

In the depths of Goobi's sewer, this familiar yet mysterious world beneath our feet is filled with challenges and inspirations. Face difficulties with courage and resilience, uncovering the hidden beauty and intrigue below. Dare to discover, to learn, and to grow as you explore the secrets beneath our everyday paths.

Pillow Fight

Goobi with me

In a family, there will always be someone like Goobi who causes trouble. However, as family members, we can grow together. Confrontations with Goobi offer opportunities to discover inner strength and build resilience. Embrace challenges, support each other, and transform obstacles into personal growth. Let the good be with you on this journey of growth.

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